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PDT: Pacific Daylight Time

Wednesday (March 12) Sessions

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8:30 AMto9:30 AMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Wednesday Plenary Session
8:30 AM8:30 AM
CROI Program Committee Chair Welcome to Wednesday
Nicolas Chomont
Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada
8:35 AM8:35 AM
41 - Long COVID: Causes, Consequences, and the Way Forward
Roger Paredes
IrsiCaixa, Badalona, Spain
9:05 AM9:05 AM
42 - Weight Gain in People With HIV
Jordan E. Lake
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Viruses Always On My Mind: Viral Neuropathogenesis From Acute HIV to SARS-CoV-2
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
167 - Brain Volume Normalization After 96 Weeks of ART Started During Acute HIV Infection
Robert Paul
University of Missouri St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA
10:13 AM10:13 AM
168 - Spinal Cord as a Distinct Site of HIV Persistence and Dispersal in the Brain
Mattia Trunfio
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
10:21 AM10:21 AM
169 - Longitudinal Persistence of HIV DNA in CSF Over 4 Years Despite Up to 20 Years of ART
Joshua C. Cyktor
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
170 - Single-Nuclei Multiome Analysis of CSF Cells Reveals Dendritic Cell Dysregulation Despite ART
Shelli Farhadian
Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
171 - Plasma Phosphorylated Tau 217 and Cognitive Decline in Older Thai People With HIV
Akarin Hiransuthikul
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
11:08 AM11:08 AM
172 - Semaglutide Improves Cognitive Function in HIV, Effect Mediated by Decrease in Inflammation
Ornina Atieh
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
11:16 AM11:16 AM
173 - Brain Gray and White Matter Alterations in Cognitive Long COVID
Lindsay S. McAlpine
Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
11:24 AM11:24 AM
174 - Structural Brain Volumes Decrease After SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among People With HIV
Jacob Bolzenius
University of Missouri St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Cardiometabolic Complications and Aging: The Clock Is Ticking
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
175 - Major Improvement in Age-Related Health Outcomes in People Living With HIV: An 18-Year Cohort Study
Alejandro Garcia
Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain
10:13 AM10:13 AM
176 - Early vs Deferred HIV Therapy and Cardiovascular Disease in People With HIV: The START Study
Nila J. Dharan
University of New South Wales Sydney, Sydney, Australia
10:21 AM10:21 AM
177 - Epidemiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis Among People Living With HIV in Uganda
Mark J. Siedner
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
178 - Plaque, Inflammation, Subclinical Myocardial Injury, and MACE in the REPRIEVE Mechanistic Substudy
Steven Grinspoon
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
179 - Frailty Is Associated With Higher MACE Incidence but Does Not Appear to Modify Pitavastatin Effects
Kristine M. Erlandson
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA
11:08 AM11:08 AM
180 - Prognostic Value of Epigenetic Age Acceleration in People With Well-Controlled HIV Infection
Patricia Martínez-Martín
La Paz University Hospital, Madrid, Spain
11:16 AM11:16 AM
181 - Semaglutide Stabilizes Epigenetic Aging in People With HIV-Associated Lipohypertrophy
Michael J. Corley
Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA
11:24 AM11:24 AM
182 - Letermovir for CMV Suppression Improves Immunologic and Functional Aging Outcomes in Treated HIV
Sara Gianella Weibel
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Gaps and Solutions in the HIV Response
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
183 - Preliminary Efficacy for HPTN 094: 26-Week RCT of Integrated Strategies for People Who Inject Drugs
Steve Shoptaw
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
10:13 AM10:13 AM
184 - Most With HIV Viremia Are Not in Care Despite High ART Coverage: A Population-Based Study in Uganda
Silas Odiya
Rakai Health Sciences Program, Kalisizo, Uganda
10:21 AM10:21 AM
185 - Low-Cost Counseling Achieves Positive Outcomes for Malawi Men Disengaged From Care: Randomized Trial
Kathryn L. Dovel
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
186 - Clinic Switching and Elevated HIV Viral Load in 6 African Countries: A Population-Based Study
Joseph G. Rosen
Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
187 - How Do Repeated Financial Incentives Affect HIV Care-Seeking Behaviors Over Time?
Solis Winters
University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
11:08 AM11:08 AM
188 - Effect of a Person-Centered Care Intervention on Reengagement After Care Interruptions in Zambia
Aaloke Mody
Washington University in St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA
11:16 AM11:16 AM
189 - Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach to Optimize Hypertension Care for People Living With HIV
Sarah Gimbel
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
11:24 AM11:24 AM
190 - SEARCH Integrated HIV/Hypertension Community Health Worker-Led Intervention in Rural East Africa
Matt Hickey
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Expanding the Prevention Toolbox
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
191 - Long-Acting Cabotegravir PrEP Uptake and Persistence in a Large US Healthcare System
Michael Traeger
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, Boston, MA, USA
10:13 AM10:13 AM
192 - ImPrEP CAB Brasil: Enhancing PrEP Coverage With CAB-LA in Young Key Populations
Beatriz Grinsztejn
Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
10:21 AM10:21 AM
193 - Estimation of Prevention-Effective CAB-LA Concentrations Among MSM/TGW in HPTN 083
Brett S. Hanscom
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
194 - Adherence to F/TAF in Cisgender Women Prevents HIV With Low Risk of Resistance or Diagnostic Delay
Flavia M. Kiweewa
Makerere University–Johns Hopkins University Research Collaboration, Kampala, Uganda
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
195 - Performance of HIV RNA Screening in the Context of Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir in HPTN 084
Sinead Delany-Moretlwe
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
11:08 AM11:08 AM
196 - PILLAR Month 12 Clinical Results: Zero HIV Acquisition and High Persistence With CAB LA for PrEP
Taimur Khan
Fenway Health, Boston, MA, USA
11:16 AM11:16 AM
197 - Response to HIV Treatment After Long-Acting Cabotegravir Preexposure Prophylaxis in HPTN 083
Raphael J. Landovitz
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
199 - An Injectable Multipurpose Implant With CAB and MPA for Long-Acting HIV Prevention and Contraception
S. Rahima Benhabbour
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
11:40 AM11:40 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
12:15 PMto1:15 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Late-Breaking Antiviral Therapy: It Doesn’t Get Any Hotter Than This!
12:15 PM12:15 PM
(Introduction of Speakers)
12:15 PM12:15 PM
200 - Ensitrelvir to Prevent COVID-19 in Households: SCORPIO-PEP Phase III Placebo-Controlled Trial Results
Frederick G. Hayden
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
12:23 PM12:23 PM
201 - Tecovirimat Is Safe but Not Efficacious in People With Clade II Mpox
Timothy Wilkin
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
12:31 PM12:31 PM
202 - Randomized Trial of Long-Acting Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine in Africa (CARES): Week 96 Results
Cissy Kityo
Joint Clinical Research Centre, Kampala, Uganda
12:39 PM12:39 PM
203 - VH3810109 (N6LS) Efficacy and Safety in Adults Who Are Virologically Suppressed: The EMBRACE Study
Babafemi Taiwo
ViiV Healthcare, Durham, NC, USA
12:47 PM12:47 PM
204A - Switch to DOR/ISL (100/0.25 mg) QD From BIC/FTC/TAF: A Blinded Phase III Study in Adults With HIV-1
Amy E. Colson
Community Resource Initiative, Boston, MA, USA
12:55 PM12:55 PM
204B - Switch to DOR/ISL (100/0.25 mg) QD From Oral ART: An Open-Label Phase III Study in Adults With HIV-1
Chloe Orkin
Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
12:59 PM12:59 PM
Questions and Answers
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Hide and Seek: HIV in Tissues
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
Zabrina L. Brumme
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
1:35 PM1:35 PM
585 - HIV Reservoir in Jejunum Exhibit Distinct Phenotypic Features and Evoke Innate Cell Redistribution
Marta Calvet-Mirabent
Gladstone Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA
1:40 PM1:40 PM
582 - Predominance of Non-T Follicular Helper Cell Subsets in the Lymph Node Viral Reservoir During ART
Vincent H. Wu
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1:45 PM1:45 PM
587 - HIV Transcriptional Regulation in the CNS of ART-Suppressed People With HIV
Janna Jamal Eddine
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
1:50 PM1:50 PM
588 - Association of CSF Viral Compartmentalization and Macrophage Tropism With Neurosymptomatic HIV
Laura P. Kincer
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
1:55 PM1:55 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
"Growing Up" With HIV Exposure
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
Ceri Evans
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
1:35 PM1:35 PM
1021 - Growth Faltering Is Partially Ameliorated by Infant Gut Bifidobacterium in Children Exposed to HIV
Nicole Tobin
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
1:40 PM1:40 PM
1022 - Insulin-Like Growth Factors and Stunting in African Infants Exposed to HIV and Uninfected
Brenda C. Kakayi
Makerere University–Johns Hopkins University Research Collaboration, Kampala, Uganda
1:45 PM1:45 PM
1023 - Cardiometabolic Outcomes in HEU vs HU Children in a SA Birth Cohort: Influence of Maternal Lipids
Calli Dogon
Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
1:50 PM1:50 PM
1024 - Obesity and Metabolic Comorbidities in Young Adults With Perinatal HIV Exposure Without Infection
Nikhita Chahal
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
2:00 PM2:00 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Long COVID: Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
1:35 PM1:35 PM
935 - Long COVID Associates With Slow Viral Clearance and Viral Rebound During Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Annukka Antar
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
1:40 PM1:40 PM
932 - Longitudinal Changes in Arterial Stiffness and Inflammation From Pre- to Post-COVID-19 Infection
Jhony Baissary
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
1:45 PM1:45 PM
936 - Preserved Adrenal Function in People With Long COVID
Annukka Antar
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
1:50 PM1:50 PM
940 - Plasma Biomarkers in Children and Young People With Long COVID
Jon Izquierdo-Pujol
IrsiCaixa, Badalona, Spain
1:55 PM1:55 PM
942 - Immune Profile of Children With Post-COVID-19 Cardiac Contractility Alterations: A Prospective Study
Costanza Di Chiara
University of Padova, Padova, Italy
2:00 PM2:00 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Lessons in DoxyPEP Implementation
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
Jennifer E. Balkus
Public Health–Seattle & King County, Seattle, WA, USA
1:35 PM1:35 PM
1275 - Post-Exposure Prophylaxis With Doxycycline (Doxy PEP) in a Cohort of High-Risk MSM: The PRIDOX Study
Jesús Santos
Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Málaga, Spain
1:40 PM1:40 PM
1282 - The Actual Need for DoxyPEP Might Not Be as Large as Expected
Roberto Rossotti
ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, Italy
1:45 PM1:45 PM
1284 - Antimicrobial Consumption Among Users of Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis in Milan, Italy
Angelo Roberto Raccagni
San Raffaele Vita-Salute University, Milan, Italy
1:50 PM1:50 PM
1288 - DoxyPrEP Impact on the Microbiome of Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women on HIV PrEP
Troy Grennan
BC Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver, Canada
1:55 PM1:55 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
4:00 PMto5:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Pathogenesis of HIV in the Brain: The Final Frontier
4:00 PM4:00 PM
43 - Multiomics in the Brain
Howard Fox
University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE, USA
4:20 PM4:20 PM
44 - The Central Nervous System Reservoir: Impact for Cure and Ongoing Neuropathology
Melissa Churchill
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
4:40 PM4:40 PM
45 - Emerging Role of T Cells in the Central Nervous System
Lydie Trautmann
Henry M Jackson Foundation, Bethesda, MD, USA
5:30 PM5:30 PM
Discussion with Audience Questions and Answers
4:00 PMto5:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Making Sense of Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor Failure and Resistance
4:00 PM4:00 PM
46 - Dolutegravir Resistance: How Frequent Is It and How Will It Evolve?
Nicaise Ndembi
Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
4:20 PM4:20 PM
47 - Dolutegravir Resistance: What Are the Implications for Antiretroviral Therapy Programs?
Jeremy Nel
University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
4:40 PM4:40 PM
48 - Long-Acting InSTI Strategies: Understanding the Risks for Failure and Resistance
Saye Khoo
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
5:00 PM5:00 PM
Panel Discussion
Brenda E. Crabtree Ramírez
National Institute of Medical Science and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran, Mexico City, Mexico
5:00 PM5:00 PM
Panel Discussion
Suzanne McCluskey
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
5:00 PM5:00 PM
Panel Discussion
Anna Turkova
MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, London, UK
5:30 PM5:30 PM
Discussion with Audience Questions and Answers
4:00 PMto5:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Putting People at the Center of Prevention: New Models of Delivery
4:00 PM4:00 PM
49 - Leveraging Private-Sector Pharmacies to Expand Reach of Biomedical HIV Prevention Interventions
Katrina Ortblad
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, USA
4:20 PM4:20 PM
50 - Empowering Communities: A Peer-Based Model for Expanding Equitable Access to PrEP and PEP in Mexico
Alaín Pinzón
Vihve Libre, Mexico City, Mexico
4:40 PM4:40 PM
51 - We’ll Come to You: A Mobile Clinic Preexposure Prophylaxis Delivery Model
Elzette Rousseau
Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa
5:30 PM5:30 PM
Discussion with Audience Questions and Answers
10:30 PMto10:45 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Test Session 6
10:30 PM10:30 PM
Test Presentation 1
TestFirstName 1 TestMiddleName 1 TestLastName 1
Institution 1
10:30 PM10:30 PM
Test Presentation 2
TestFirstName 1 TestMiddleName 1 TestLastName 1
Institution 1


8:30 AMto9:30 AMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Wednesday Plenary Session
8:30 AM8:30 AM
CROI Program Committee Chair Welcome to Wednesday
Nicolas Chomont
Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada
8:35 AM8:35 AM
41 - Long COVID: Causes, Consequences, and the Way Forward
Roger Paredes
IrsiCaixa, Badalona, Spain
9:05 AM9:05 AM
42 - Weight Gain in People With HIV
Jordan E. Lake
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Viruses Always On My Mind: Viral Neuropathogenesis From Acute HIV to SARS-CoV-2
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
167 - Brain Volume Normalization After 96 Weeks of ART Started During Acute HIV Infection
Robert Paul
University of Missouri St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA
10:13 AM10:13 AM
168 - Spinal Cord as a Distinct Site of HIV Persistence and Dispersal in the Brain
Mattia Trunfio
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
10:21 AM10:21 AM
169 - Longitudinal Persistence of HIV DNA in CSF Over 4 Years Despite Up to 20 Years of ART
Joshua C. Cyktor
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
170 - Single-Nuclei Multiome Analysis of CSF Cells Reveals Dendritic Cell Dysregulation Despite ART
Shelli Farhadian
Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
171 - Plasma Phosphorylated Tau 217 and Cognitive Decline in Older Thai People With HIV
Akarin Hiransuthikul
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
11:08 AM11:08 AM
172 - Semaglutide Improves Cognitive Function in HIV, Effect Mediated by Decrease in Inflammation
Ornina Atieh
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
11:16 AM11:16 AM
173 - Brain Gray and White Matter Alterations in Cognitive Long COVID
Lindsay S. McAlpine
Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
11:24 AM11:24 AM
174 - Structural Brain Volumes Decrease After SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among People With HIV
Jacob Bolzenius
University of Missouri St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Cardiometabolic Complications and Aging: The Clock Is Ticking
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
175 - Major Improvement in Age-Related Health Outcomes in People Living With HIV: An 18-Year Cohort Study
Alejandro Garcia
Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain
10:13 AM10:13 AM
176 - Early vs Deferred HIV Therapy and Cardiovascular Disease in People With HIV: The START Study
Nila J. Dharan
University of New South Wales Sydney, Sydney, Australia
10:21 AM10:21 AM
177 - Epidemiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis Among People Living With HIV in Uganda
Mark J. Siedner
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
178 - Plaque, Inflammation, Subclinical Myocardial Injury, and MACE in the REPRIEVE Mechanistic Substudy
Steven Grinspoon
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
179 - Frailty Is Associated With Higher MACE Incidence but Does Not Appear to Modify Pitavastatin Effects
Kristine M. Erlandson
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA
11:08 AM11:08 AM
180 - Prognostic Value of Epigenetic Age Acceleration in People With Well-Controlled HIV Infection
Patricia Martínez-Martín
La Paz University Hospital, Madrid, Spain
11:16 AM11:16 AM
181 - Semaglutide Stabilizes Epigenetic Aging in People With HIV-Associated Lipohypertrophy
Michael J. Corley
Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA
11:24 AM11:24 AM
182 - Letermovir for CMV Suppression Improves Immunologic and Functional Aging Outcomes in Treated HIV
Sara Gianella Weibel
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Gaps and Solutions in the HIV Response
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
183 - Preliminary Efficacy for HPTN 094: 26-Week RCT of Integrated Strategies for People Who Inject Drugs
Steve Shoptaw
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
10:13 AM10:13 AM
184 - Most With HIV Viremia Are Not in Care Despite High ART Coverage: A Population-Based Study in Uganda
Silas Odiya
Rakai Health Sciences Program, Kalisizo, Uganda
10:21 AM10:21 AM
185 - Low-Cost Counseling Achieves Positive Outcomes for Malawi Men Disengaged From Care: Randomized Trial
Kathryn L. Dovel
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
186 - Clinic Switching and Elevated HIV Viral Load in 6 African Countries: A Population-Based Study
Joseph G. Rosen
Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
187 - How Do Repeated Financial Incentives Affect HIV Care-Seeking Behaviors Over Time?
Solis Winters
University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
11:08 AM11:08 AM
188 - Effect of a Person-Centered Care Intervention on Reengagement After Care Interruptions in Zambia
Aaloke Mody
Washington University in St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA
11:16 AM11:16 AM
189 - Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach to Optimize Hypertension Care for People Living With HIV
Sarah Gimbel
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
11:24 AM11:24 AM
190 - SEARCH Integrated HIV/Hypertension Community Health Worker-Led Intervention in Rural East Africa
Matt Hickey
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Expanding the Prevention Toolbox
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
191 - Long-Acting Cabotegravir PrEP Uptake and Persistence in a Large US Healthcare System
Michael Traeger
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, Boston, MA, USA
10:13 AM10:13 AM
192 - ImPrEP CAB Brasil: Enhancing PrEP Coverage With CAB-LA in Young Key Populations
Beatriz Grinsztejn
Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
10:21 AM10:21 AM
193 - Estimation of Prevention-Effective CAB-LA Concentrations Among MSM/TGW in HPTN 083
Brett S. Hanscom
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
194 - Adherence to F/TAF in Cisgender Women Prevents HIV With Low Risk of Resistance or Diagnostic Delay
Flavia M. Kiweewa
Makerere University–Johns Hopkins University Research Collaboration, Kampala, Uganda
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
195 - Performance of HIV RNA Screening in the Context of Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir in HPTN 084
Sinead Delany-Moretlwe
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
11:08 AM11:08 AM
196 - PILLAR Month 12 Clinical Results: Zero HIV Acquisition and High Persistence With CAB LA for PrEP
Taimur Khan
Fenway Health, Boston, MA, USA
11:16 AM11:16 AM
197 - Response to HIV Treatment After Long-Acting Cabotegravir Preexposure Prophylaxis in HPTN 083
Raphael J. Landovitz
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
199 - An Injectable Multipurpose Implant With CAB and MPA for Long-Acting HIV Prevention and Contraception
S. Rahima Benhabbour
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
11:40 AM11:40 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
12:15 PMto1:15 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Late-Breaking Antiviral Therapy: It Doesn’t Get Any Hotter Than This!
12:15 PM12:15 PM
(Introduction of Speakers)
12:15 PM12:15 PM
200 - Ensitrelvir to Prevent COVID-19 in Households: SCORPIO-PEP Phase III Placebo-Controlled Trial Results
Frederick G. Hayden
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
12:23 PM12:23 PM
201 - Tecovirimat Is Safe but Not Efficacious in People With Clade II Mpox
Timothy Wilkin
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
12:31 PM12:31 PM
202 - Randomized Trial of Long-Acting Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine in Africa (CARES): Week 96 Results
Cissy Kityo
Joint Clinical Research Centre, Kampala, Uganda
12:39 PM12:39 PM
203 - VH3810109 (N6LS) Efficacy and Safety in Adults Who Are Virologically Suppressed: The EMBRACE Study
Babafemi Taiwo
ViiV Healthcare, Durham, NC, USA
12:47 PM12:47 PM
204A - Switch to DOR/ISL (100/0.25 mg) QD From BIC/FTC/TAF: A Blinded Phase III Study in Adults With HIV-1
Amy E. Colson
Community Resource Initiative, Boston, MA, USA
12:55 PM12:55 PM
204B - Switch to DOR/ISL (100/0.25 mg) QD From Oral ART: An Open-Label Phase III Study in Adults With HIV-1
Chloe Orkin
Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
12:59 PM12:59 PM
Questions and Answers
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Hide and Seek: HIV in Tissues
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
Zabrina L. Brumme
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
1:35 PM1:35 PM
585 - HIV Reservoir in Jejunum Exhibit Distinct Phenotypic Features and Evoke Innate Cell Redistribution
Marta Calvet-Mirabent
Gladstone Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA
1:40 PM1:40 PM
582 - Predominance of Non-T Follicular Helper Cell Subsets in the Lymph Node Viral Reservoir During ART
Vincent H. Wu
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1:45 PM1:45 PM
587 - HIV Transcriptional Regulation in the CNS of ART-Suppressed People With HIV
Janna Jamal Eddine
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
1:50 PM1:50 PM
588 - Association of CSF Viral Compartmentalization and Macrophage Tropism With Neurosymptomatic HIV
Laura P. Kincer
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
1:55 PM1:55 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
"Growing Up" With HIV Exposure
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
Ceri Evans
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
1:35 PM1:35 PM
1021 - Growth Faltering Is Partially Ameliorated by Infant Gut Bifidobacterium in Children Exposed to HIV
Nicole Tobin
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
1:40 PM1:40 PM
1022 - Insulin-Like Growth Factors and Stunting in African Infants Exposed to HIV and Uninfected
Brenda C. Kakayi
Makerere University–Johns Hopkins University Research Collaboration, Kampala, Uganda
1:45 PM1:45 PM
1023 - Cardiometabolic Outcomes in HEU vs HU Children in a SA Birth Cohort: Influence of Maternal Lipids
Calli Dogon
Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
1:50 PM1:50 PM
1024 - Obesity and Metabolic Comorbidities in Young Adults With Perinatal HIV Exposure Without Infection
Nikhita Chahal
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
2:00 PM2:00 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Long COVID: Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
1:35 PM1:35 PM
935 - Long COVID Associates With Slow Viral Clearance and Viral Rebound During Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Annukka Antar
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
1:40 PM1:40 PM
932 - Longitudinal Changes in Arterial Stiffness and Inflammation From Pre- to Post-COVID-19 Infection
Jhony Baissary
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
1:45 PM1:45 PM
936 - Preserved Adrenal Function in People With Long COVID
Annukka Antar
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
1:50 PM1:50 PM
940 - Plasma Biomarkers in Children and Young People With Long COVID
Jon Izquierdo-Pujol
IrsiCaixa, Badalona, Spain
1:55 PM1:55 PM
942 - Immune Profile of Children With Post-COVID-19 Cardiac Contractility Alterations: A Prospective Study
Costanza Di Chiara
University of Padova, Padova, Italy
2:00 PM2:00 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Lessons in DoxyPEP Implementation
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
Jennifer E. Balkus
Public Health–Seattle & King County, Seattle, WA, USA
1:35 PM1:35 PM
1275 - Post-Exposure Prophylaxis With Doxycycline (Doxy PEP) in a Cohort of High-Risk MSM: The PRIDOX Study
Jesús Santos
Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Málaga, Spain
1:40 PM1:40 PM
1282 - The Actual Need for DoxyPEP Might Not Be as Large as Expected
Roberto Rossotti
ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, Italy
1:45 PM1:45 PM
1284 - Antimicrobial Consumption Among Users of Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis in Milan, Italy
Angelo Roberto Raccagni
San Raffaele Vita-Salute University, Milan, Italy
1:50 PM1:50 PM
1288 - DoxyPrEP Impact on the Microbiome of Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women on HIV PrEP
Troy Grennan
BC Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver, Canada
1:55 PM1:55 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
4:00 PMto5:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Pathogenesis of HIV in the Brain: The Final Frontier
4:00 PM4:00 PM
43 - Multiomics in the Brain
Howard Fox
University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE, USA
4:20 PM4:20 PM
44 - The Central Nervous System Reservoir: Impact for Cure and Ongoing Neuropathology
Melissa Churchill
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
4:40 PM4:40 PM
45 - Emerging Role of T Cells in the Central Nervous System
Lydie Trautmann
Henry M Jackson Foundation, Bethesda, MD, USA
5:30 PM5:30 PM
Discussion with Audience Questions and Answers
4:00 PMto5:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Making Sense of Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor Failure and Resistance
4:00 PM4:00 PM
46 - Dolutegravir Resistance: How Frequent Is It and How Will It Evolve?
Nicaise Ndembi
Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
4:20 PM4:20 PM
47 - Dolutegravir Resistance: What Are the Implications for Antiretroviral Therapy Programs?
Jeremy Nel
University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
4:40 PM4:40 PM
48 - Long-Acting InSTI Strategies: Understanding the Risks for Failure and Resistance
Saye Khoo
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
5:00 PM5:00 PM
Panel Discussion
Brenda E. Crabtree Ramírez
National Institute of Medical Science and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran, Mexico City, Mexico
5:00 PM5:00 PM
Panel Discussion
Suzanne McCluskey
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
5:00 PM5:00 PM
Panel Discussion
Anna Turkova
MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, London, UK
5:30 PM5:30 PM
Discussion with Audience Questions and Answers
4:00 PMto5:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Putting People at the Center of Prevention: New Models of Delivery
4:00 PM4:00 PM
49 - Leveraging Private-Sector Pharmacies to Expand Reach of Biomedical HIV Prevention Interventions
Katrina Ortblad
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, USA
4:20 PM4:20 PM
50 - Empowering Communities: A Peer-Based Model for Expanding Equitable Access to PrEP and PEP in Mexico
Alaín Pinzón
Vihve Libre, Mexico City, Mexico
4:40 PM4:40 PM
51 - We’ll Come to You: A Mobile Clinic Preexposure Prophylaxis Delivery Model
Elzette Rousseau
Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa
5:30 PM5:30 PM
Discussion with Audience Questions and Answers
10:30 PMto10:45 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Test Session 6
10:30 PM10:30 PM
Test Presentation 1
TestFirstName 1 TestMiddleName 1 TestLastName 1
Institution 1
10:30 PM10:30 PM
Test Presentation 2
TestFirstName 1 TestMiddleName 1 TestLastName 1
Institution 1


8:30 AMto9:30 AMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Wednesday Plenary Session
8:30 AM8:30 AM
CROI Program Committee Chair Welcome to Wednesday
Nicolas Chomont
Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada
8:35 AM8:35 AM
41 - Long COVID: Causes, Consequences, and the Way Forward
Roger Paredes
IrsiCaixa, Badalona, Spain
9:05 AM9:05 AM
42 - Weight Gain in People With HIV
Jordan E. Lake
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Viruses Always On My Mind: Viral Neuropathogenesis From Acute HIV to SARS-CoV-2
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
167 - Brain Volume Normalization After 96 Weeks of ART Started During Acute HIV Infection
Robert Paul
University of Missouri St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA
10:13 AM10:13 AM
168 - Spinal Cord as a Distinct Site of HIV Persistence and Dispersal in the Brain
Mattia Trunfio
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
10:21 AM10:21 AM
169 - Longitudinal Persistence of HIV DNA in CSF Over 4 Years Despite Up to 20 Years of ART
Joshua C. Cyktor
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
170 - Single-Nuclei Multiome Analysis of CSF Cells Reveals Dendritic Cell Dysregulation Despite ART
Shelli Farhadian
Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
171 - Plasma Phosphorylated Tau 217 and Cognitive Decline in Older Thai People With HIV
Akarin Hiransuthikul
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
11:08 AM11:08 AM
172 - Semaglutide Improves Cognitive Function in HIV, Effect Mediated by Decrease in Inflammation
Ornina Atieh
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
11:16 AM11:16 AM
173 - Brain Gray and White Matter Alterations in Cognitive Long COVID
Lindsay S. McAlpine
Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
11:24 AM11:24 AM
174 - Structural Brain Volumes Decrease After SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among People With HIV
Jacob Bolzenius
University of Missouri St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Cardiometabolic Complications and Aging: The Clock Is Ticking
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
175 - Major Improvement in Age-Related Health Outcomes in People Living With HIV: An 18-Year Cohort Study
Alejandro Garcia
Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain
10:13 AM10:13 AM
176 - Early vs Deferred HIV Therapy and Cardiovascular Disease in People With HIV: The START Study
Nila J. Dharan
University of New South Wales Sydney, Sydney, Australia
10:21 AM10:21 AM
177 - Epidemiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis Among People Living With HIV in Uganda
Mark J. Siedner
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
178 - Plaque, Inflammation, Subclinical Myocardial Injury, and MACE in the REPRIEVE Mechanistic Substudy
Steven Grinspoon
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
179 - Frailty Is Associated With Higher MACE Incidence but Does Not Appear to Modify Pitavastatin Effects
Kristine M. Erlandson
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA
11:08 AM11:08 AM
180 - Prognostic Value of Epigenetic Age Acceleration in People With Well-Controlled HIV Infection
Patricia Martínez-Martín
La Paz University Hospital, Madrid, Spain
11:16 AM11:16 AM
181 - Semaglutide Stabilizes Epigenetic Aging in People With HIV-Associated Lipohypertrophy
Michael J. Corley
Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA
11:24 AM11:24 AM
182 - Letermovir for CMV Suppression Improves Immunologic and Functional Aging Outcomes in Treated HIV
Sara Gianella Weibel
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Gaps and Solutions in the HIV Response
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
183 - Preliminary Efficacy for HPTN 094: 26-Week RCT of Integrated Strategies for People Who Inject Drugs
Steve Shoptaw
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
10:13 AM10:13 AM
184 - Most With HIV Viremia Are Not in Care Despite High ART Coverage: A Population-Based Study in Uganda
Silas Odiya
Rakai Health Sciences Program, Kalisizo, Uganda
10:21 AM10:21 AM
185 - Low-Cost Counseling Achieves Positive Outcomes for Malawi Men Disengaged From Care: Randomized Trial
Kathryn L. Dovel
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
186 - Clinic Switching and Elevated HIV Viral Load in 6 African Countries: A Population-Based Study
Joseph G. Rosen
Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
187 - How Do Repeated Financial Incentives Affect HIV Care-Seeking Behaviors Over Time?
Solis Winters
University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
11:08 AM11:08 AM
188 - Effect of a Person-Centered Care Intervention on Reengagement After Care Interruptions in Zambia
Aaloke Mody
Washington University in St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA
11:16 AM11:16 AM
189 - Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach to Optimize Hypertension Care for People Living With HIV
Sarah Gimbel
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
11:24 AM11:24 AM
190 - SEARCH Integrated HIV/Hypertension Community Health Worker-Led Intervention in Rural East Africa
Matt Hickey
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
10:00 AMto12:00 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Expanding the Prevention Toolbox
10:00 AM10:00 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 1)
10:05 AM10:05 AM
191 - Long-Acting Cabotegravir PrEP Uptake and Persistence in a Large US Healthcare System
Michael Traeger
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, Boston, MA, USA
10:13 AM10:13 AM
192 - ImPrEP CAB Brasil: Enhancing PrEP Coverage With CAB-LA in Young Key Populations
Beatriz Grinsztejn
Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
10:21 AM10:21 AM
193 - Estimation of Prevention-Effective CAB-LA Concentrations Among MSM/TGW in HPTN 083
Brett S. Hanscom
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, USA
10:29 AM10:29 AM
194 - Adherence to F/TAF in Cisgender Women Prevents HIV With Low Risk of Resistance or Diagnostic Delay
Flavia M. Kiweewa
Makerere University–Johns Hopkins University Research Collaboration, Kampala, Uganda
10:37 AM10:37 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 1)
10:55 AM10:55 AM
(Introduction of Speakers Part 2)
11:00 AM11:00 AM
195 - Performance of HIV RNA Screening in the Context of Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir in HPTN 084
Sinead Delany-Moretlwe
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
11:08 AM11:08 AM
196 - PILLAR Month 12 Clinical Results: Zero HIV Acquisition and High Persistence With CAB LA for PrEP
Taimur Khan
Fenway Health, Boston, MA, USA
11:16 AM11:16 AM
197 - Response to HIV Treatment After Long-Acting Cabotegravir Preexposure Prophylaxis in HPTN 083
Raphael J. Landovitz
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
11:32 AM11:32 AM
199 - An Injectable Multipurpose Implant With CAB and MPA for Long-Acting HIV Prevention and Contraception
S. Rahima Benhabbour
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
11:40 AM11:40 AM
(Questions and Answers Part 2)
12:15 PMto1:15 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Late-Breaking Antiviral Therapy: It Doesn’t Get Any Hotter Than This!
12:15 PM12:15 PM
(Introduction of Speakers)
12:15 PM12:15 PM
200 - Ensitrelvir to Prevent COVID-19 in Households: SCORPIO-PEP Phase III Placebo-Controlled Trial Results
Frederick G. Hayden
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
12:23 PM12:23 PM
201 - Tecovirimat Is Safe but Not Efficacious in People With Clade II Mpox
Timothy Wilkin
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
12:31 PM12:31 PM
202 - Randomized Trial of Long-Acting Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine in Africa (CARES): Week 96 Results
Cissy Kityo
Joint Clinical Research Centre, Kampala, Uganda
12:39 PM12:39 PM
203 - VH3810109 (N6LS) Efficacy and Safety in Adults Who Are Virologically Suppressed: The EMBRACE Study
Babafemi Taiwo
ViiV Healthcare, Durham, NC, USA
12:47 PM12:47 PM
204A - Switch to DOR/ISL (100/0.25 mg) QD From BIC/FTC/TAF: A Blinded Phase III Study in Adults With HIV-1
Amy E. Colson
Community Resource Initiative, Boston, MA, USA
12:55 PM12:55 PM
204B - Switch to DOR/ISL (100/0.25 mg) QD From Oral ART: An Open-Label Phase III Study in Adults With HIV-1
Chloe Orkin
Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
12:59 PM12:59 PM
Questions and Answers
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Hide and Seek: HIV in Tissues
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
Zabrina L. Brumme
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
1:35 PM1:35 PM
585 - HIV Reservoir in Jejunum Exhibit Distinct Phenotypic Features and Evoke Innate Cell Redistribution
Marta Calvet-Mirabent
Gladstone Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA
1:40 PM1:40 PM
582 - Predominance of Non-T Follicular Helper Cell Subsets in the Lymph Node Viral Reservoir During ART
Vincent H. Wu
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1:45 PM1:45 PM
587 - HIV Transcriptional Regulation in the CNS of ART-Suppressed People With HIV
Janna Jamal Eddine
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
1:50 PM1:50 PM
588 - Association of CSF Viral Compartmentalization and Macrophage Tropism With Neurosymptomatic HIV
Laura P. Kincer
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
1:55 PM1:55 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
"Growing Up" With HIV Exposure
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
Ceri Evans
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
1:35 PM1:35 PM
1021 - Growth Faltering Is Partially Ameliorated by Infant Gut Bifidobacterium in Children Exposed to HIV
Nicole Tobin
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
1:40 PM1:40 PM
1022 - Insulin-Like Growth Factors and Stunting in African Infants Exposed to HIV and Uninfected
Brenda C. Kakayi
Makerere University–Johns Hopkins University Research Collaboration, Kampala, Uganda
1:45 PM1:45 PM
1023 - Cardiometabolic Outcomes in HEU vs HU Children in a SA Birth Cohort: Influence of Maternal Lipids
Calli Dogon
Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
1:50 PM1:50 PM
1024 - Obesity and Metabolic Comorbidities in Young Adults With Perinatal HIV Exposure Without Infection
Nikhita Chahal
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
2:00 PM2:00 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Long COVID: Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
1:35 PM1:35 PM
935 - Long COVID Associates With Slow Viral Clearance and Viral Rebound During Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Annukka Antar
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
1:40 PM1:40 PM
932 - Longitudinal Changes in Arterial Stiffness and Inflammation From Pre- to Post-COVID-19 Infection
Jhony Baissary
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
1:45 PM1:45 PM
936 - Preserved Adrenal Function in People With Long COVID
Annukka Antar
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
1:50 PM1:50 PM
940 - Plasma Biomarkers in Children and Young People With Long COVID
Jon Izquierdo-Pujol
IrsiCaixa, Badalona, Spain
1:55 PM1:55 PM
942 - Immune Profile of Children With Post-COVID-19 Cardiac Contractility Alterations: A Prospective Study
Costanza Di Chiara
University of Padova, Padova, Italy
2:00 PM2:00 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
1:30 PMto2:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Lessons in DoxyPEP Implementation
1:30 PM1:30 PM
(Session Overview)
Jennifer E. Balkus
Public Health–Seattle & King County, Seattle, WA, USA
1:35 PM1:35 PM
1275 - Post-Exposure Prophylaxis With Doxycycline (Doxy PEP) in a Cohort of High-Risk MSM: The PRIDOX Study
Jesús Santos
Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Málaga, Spain
1:40 PM1:40 PM
1282 - The Actual Need for DoxyPEP Might Not Be as Large as Expected
Roberto Rossotti
ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, Italy
1:45 PM1:45 PM
1284 - Antimicrobial Consumption Among Users of Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis in Milan, Italy
Angelo Roberto Raccagni
San Raffaele Vita-Salute University, Milan, Italy
1:50 PM1:50 PM
1288 - DoxyPrEP Impact on the Microbiome of Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women on HIV PrEP
Troy Grennan
BC Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver, Canada
1:55 PM1:55 PM
Discussion with Audience Q&A
4:00 PMto5:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Pathogenesis of HIV in the Brain: The Final Frontier
4:00 PM4:00 PM
43 - Multiomics in the Brain
Howard Fox
University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE, USA
4:20 PM4:20 PM
44 - The Central Nervous System Reservoir: Impact for Cure and Ongoing Neuropathology
Melissa Churchill
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
4:40 PM4:40 PM
45 - Emerging Role of T Cells in the Central Nervous System
Lydie Trautmann
Henry M Jackson Foundation, Bethesda, MD, USA
5:30 PM5:30 PM
Discussion with Audience Questions and Answers
4:00 PMto5:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Making Sense of Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor Failure and Resistance
4:00 PM4:00 PM
46 - Dolutegravir Resistance: How Frequent Is It and How Will It Evolve?
Nicaise Ndembi
Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
4:20 PM4:20 PM
47 - Dolutegravir Resistance: What Are the Implications for Antiretroviral Therapy Programs?
Jeremy Nel
University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
4:40 PM4:40 PM
48 - Long-Acting InSTI Strategies: Understanding the Risks for Failure and Resistance
Saye Khoo
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
5:00 PM5:00 PM
Panel Discussion
Brenda E. Crabtree Ramírez
National Institute of Medical Science and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran, Mexico City, Mexico
5:00 PM5:00 PM
Panel Discussion
Suzanne McCluskey
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
5:00 PM5:00 PM
Panel Discussion
Anna Turkova
MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, London, UK
5:30 PM5:30 PM
Discussion with Audience Questions and Answers
4:00 PMto5:30 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Putting People at the Center of Prevention: New Models of Delivery
4:00 PM4:00 PM
49 - Leveraging Private-Sector Pharmacies to Expand Reach of Biomedical HIV Prevention Interventions
Katrina Ortblad
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, USA
4:20 PM4:20 PM
50 - Empowering Communities: A Peer-Based Model for Expanding Equitable Access to PrEP and PEP in Mexico
Alaín Pinzón
Vihve Libre, Mexico City, Mexico
4:40 PM4:40 PM
51 - We’ll Come to You: A Mobile Clinic Preexposure Prophylaxis Delivery Model
Elzette Rousseau
Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa
5:30 PM5:30 PM
Discussion with Audience Questions and Answers
10:30 PMto10:45 PMPDT
12:00 PMto5:00 PMPDT
Test Session 6
10:30 PM10:30 PM
Test Presentation 1
TestFirstName 1 TestMiddleName 1 TestLastName 1
Institution 1
10:30 PM10:30 PM
Test Presentation 2
TestFirstName 1 TestMiddleName 1 TestLastName 1
Institution 1